Sentinel 4 Dev Blog: Path Defence

So it’s 2014 already, and Sentinel 4: Dark Star development is progressing nicely. Right now there are a lot of new graphics and animations going in so I can finally get rid of my old temporary graphics. Once we are happy with how things are looking I’ll be sure to show them off!


I thought for this blog I’d talk about another new gameplay feature that’s not been seen in the Sentinel series before: Path Deployable Weapons.


For the first time in Sentinel 4, you have special weapon slots assigned to these new types of weapon. As the name suggests, they don’t go on the terrain like normal turrets, they can be deployed anywhere on the enemy path that you like. This allows for some very direct damage dealing, and provides some great emergency options when things get too hectic, and more strategic options for your defence and turret support. Here are some of the path deployable weapons in the game:


Defence Droids



This droid will defend a part of the path until it is destroyed. Crucially, it is able to block ground units by engaging them in melee combat which can be a great way to thin and spread out the oncoming horde when multiple droids are used. They are also armed with a laser cannon enabling them to shoot from distance or attack flying enemies.


Sticky Plasma



This covers the path in a sticky liquid, which will slow down all enemies which run through it. If placed strategically it can slow down entire waves of enemies, and is a great and cheap alternative to other methods of slowing enemies. It’s one downside is that it will eventually evaporate and disappear.


Proximity Mines



These mines self-arm when an enemy comes close and explode with devastating effect. They are good at supplementing turrets if build space is limited, or as an emergency bit of damage if enemies break through your defences.


Generally speaking, path deployables are cheap and disposable, and offer new strategies in your defensive build as well as giving the player more to do in between waiting for cash for more expensive turrets and upgrades.


I’m going to try and find some more time to write extra blogs and info this year, as well as show off all of our shiny new things between now and release. Stay tuned for more news and updates soon!



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  1. Sentinel 4 Dev Blog: Sight Beyond Sight | Origin8 - January 23, 2014

    […] closely on the heels of last week’s blog about Path Defences (which you can read here) I thought I’d talk about another new gameplay feature in Sentinel 4: Dark Star. Stealth and […]